• ql4
  • May, Thu, 2020

Is Issac Asimov the Father of Science Fiction?

When it comes to science fiction, one question is often asked:Isaac-Asimov.Isaac-Asimov- does he deserve the credit as “father” of Science fiction? The answer to that question has caused many debates in the past. Some of those who answer this question in the affirmative do so for a variety of reasons, including Asimov’s impressive list of works. Those who answer in the negative, often do so as a matter of historical reference.
It is hard to argue against the premise that Issac Asimov was one of the founding fathers of modern science fiction. When died at the age of 70, he had published an estimated 370 books and stories. This is impressive and no one can debate that fact. Just as impressive is his life story which begins with his birth in Petrovichi, Russia in 1920 and continued throughout his lifetime.
One of the main reasons Asimov was so well loved as writer was his background in science. He knew what he was writing about, even when his knowledge was used in works of fiction. He was educated in biochemistry, kinetics, enzymology and photochemistry to name of a few of the disciplines he knew. His work ethic also helped him to achieve such prominence. He normally wrote a full eight hours a day and would write for weeks on end in order to finish a project.
There is also another question that often causes debate: In terms of science fiction novels – the Best selling novels equals the best? This is yet another of those questions that can be answered in different ways, depending on how you look at the question.
It is no secret that Issac Asimov had many best selling novels. Some of these novels are still as loved today as they were years ago when they first came out. But the same can be said of other writers as well. For instance, Jules Vern is considered by many to be one of the pioneers of science fiction, just as Asimov is considered. In terms of best selling novels, Vern was extremely popular in his day and age and his works continue to be read and cherished even in this modern time. To answer the question of whether being best selling equates to being the best, truly depends on how a person looks at it.
One of the more unique distinctions of Asimov is that while he was born Jewish, he did not believe in God or the supernatural. He was, by all accounts, a humanist. In his mind, the forces of good and evil did not reside in heaven or hell but rather within mankind itself. This deep feeling that humans were responsible for their own plight (as well as achievements) is shown throughout much of published work. Much of his work concentrates on how humans (and other intelligent beings) act and react to problems that they themselves have created.
In addition to novels, Asimov is also known a short story writer. One of his best known short stories is “Nightfall”. For those new to Asimov, this would be a great place to begin as the story delves into many of the issues that his longer works focus upon.
So, to answer the question: Isaac Asimov – does he deserve the credit as “father” of Science fiction? Well, some say yes and some say no. You decide for yourself.